3D Printing Machine Training

Compact Extruder for High-Output Compounding, Recycling

Sleek, flexible machine can process PET up to 6 tons per hour.  


MAS’ new 110-mm twin-screw extruder has been designed for high outputs. In the case of of PET, for example, the machine can reportedly run at rates up to 6 tons/hr.

What’s more, the machine builder says MAS 110 retains the flexibility of its smaller sized predecessors. It is reportedly suitable for all types of polymers and can be used in a wide range of applications, including chemical recycling.

Despite the leap in output, the new extrusion system is compact, meaning it easily fits into larger recycling and compounding systems, and can also be used successfully for upscaling existing systems, MAS says.

High-output Extruder for Recycling
Source: MAS

MAS says the machine is well suited for classic bottle-to-bottle PET recycling,  compounding all thermoplastic resins or direct extrusion of films. 

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