
IoT Upgrade Enables Vacuum System Monitoring

The system upgrades enable the monitoring of multiple vacuum generators and the supervision of the production process to ensure that it runs reliably and with the correct levels.  


Busch Vacuum Solutions has expanded its range of O11O (pronounced OTTO) Digital Services to include vacuum systems. The O11O system upgrade enables the simultaneous monitoring of multiple vacuum generators in a vacuum system and the supervision of the production process to ensure that it runs reliably and with the correct vacuum levels. This effectively minimizes the risk of production downtime and leads to significant cost savings.

Accessible via a PC or a mobile device, the O11O IoT dashboard presents a user-friendly interface for comprehensive system monitoring. The O11O IoT kits are available to retrofit existing vacuum systems. Via an integrated electronic SIM card, the O11O box transmits the signals from the sensors securely to the Busch cloud, where they are interpreted and sent to the O11O IoT dashboard. The O11O for systems can be operated as a stand-alone solution or integrated into the Busch control system.

Systemwide Control of Vacuum Systems
Source: Busch

With the addition of O11O for vacuum systems, Busch is expanding its already comprehensive range of O11O solutions. The O11O is said to excel in early problem detection, aiding in the prevention of unplanned downtime in factories. Ultimately, Busch says it ensures optimal process safety, contributing to increased productivity. 

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