Design Considerations

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Design Considerations


A well-designed, properly installed resin conveying system is a real asset that will pay significant dividends (see image at right) Consult with a systems specialist for professional advice.

The following list identifies some of the initial information that will be required to provide an energy efficient system to satisfy your needs.

  • What do you hope to accomplish with the system?
  • Will the system be in a new or existing facility?
  • Do you want all new equipment or do you prefer to utilize existing handling equipment where possible?
  • Does the new system have to be compatible with any existing communication protocols?
  • How many, what kind and size of processing machines will be supplied with material?
  • Do you have a general plant layout drawing showing machine location?
  • How many and what kind of materials will be processed? (including regrind)
  • Do you know the usage requirements for each material and throughput of each machine?
  • Will there be any powders or very dust regrind processed?
  • Will there be any abrasive materials being conveyed?
  • Is additive/color feeding or blending required?
  • From where will the materials be sourced? (Gaylords, bulk bags, surge bins, silos)
  • Is drying or crystallizing required?
  • Do you anticipate a requirement for increased throughput, additional materials or machines?
  • Do you have a budget range for the project?
  • When do you hope to have the system operational?

Your responses to the initial questions above may lead to many more questions. The more information you provide to your systems specialist, the better prepared they will be to provide you with a system that meets all of your present and future expectations.

After considering the responses to the questions above, recommendations will be offered and choices must be made about which system features and components
should be included.

The information presented in the following sections is for educational and general planning purposes only. It is intended to familiarize you with the types of choices and considerations you will face when working with your chosen professional systems engineer.

See Basic Central System Operation for general operational principles.