CAMX 2024

Silicone Elastomers US Summit 2018

June 27 - 28, 2018

The Silicone Elastomers Summit brings together manufacturers, processors, end-users, designers and researchers for a summit-style technical discussion of silicone elastomer materials, global markets, processing advancements and novel applications.

Industrial and academic research staff and the customer users of silicone elastomers will explore the emerging applications, manufacturing techniques, processing improvements and testing advances that are moving this growing industry forward.

The Silicone Elastomers Summit covers the use of silicone elastomers in a wide range of industries– including applications in medical, automotive and industries yet to be fully exploited.  The program will also touch on the whole range of silicone elastomer materials, including high temperature vulcanized (HTV), room temperature vulcanized (RTV), high consistency silicone rubber (HCR) and liquid silicone rubber (LSR)

Cleveland , OH
CAMX 2024
AM Workshop
AM Workshop