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of Garner Industries

7201 N 98th St.
Lincoln, NE 68507 US
800-278-4241 | 402-434-9102


About BinMaster

BinMaster manufactures point and continuous level indicators and inventory management software for monitoring levels of solids or liquids in bins, tanks, silos or hoppers. Solutions use wireless devices & web applications to send data to a control room, console, phone, tablet, or PC.

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As Seen On Plastics Technology

BinMaster Supplies the Following Products

Trade Names Offered by BinMaster

  • ResinView
  • SmartBob
  • Binventory
  • BinMaster
  • BinView

Editorial, News, and Products

Repair and Rectify
Stop Wasting. Start Shredding
Guill - World Leader in Extrusion Tooling
Thinswitch confirms ejector plate return
Shibaura Machine Industrial IoT machiNetCloud
Elevate your PET sorting
chemical foaming agents for molding and extrusion
large tonnage injection molding productivity