
Real-Time Production Monitoring Service Made Standard

Husky Injection Molding Systems is making its Advantage+Elite proactive, predictive, transparent process monitoring platform a standard feature on all PET and closure systems.


Husky Injection Molding Systems (Bolton, Ont.) has made its Advantage+Elite offering, which monitors systems within customers’ production facilities in real-time, a standard offering on all the PET and closure injection molding systems it sells.

Introduced in early 2020, Husky describes Advantage+Elite as a proactive, predictive, transparent monitoring solution, combining processing analytics and service expertise. In addition to keeping real-time tabs on systems within customers’ production facilities, Husky says Advantage+Elite proactively engages to ensure and maintain the lowest total cost to produce.

This is achieved by using remotely connected technology and proprietary dashboards within a closed-loop reporting platform, Husky continuously monitors and analyzes a set of leading system variables to anticipate, recognize and fix potential issues before they impact productivity or part quality. Husky says that for molders running post-consumer-resin (PCR), this system can spot potential issues before they become production-impacting problems.

To ensure each system receives full support, Husky has built out a global service network, designed to assist customers in their local languages. To reinforce this, Husky has opened a number of Advantage+Elite monitoring centers globally, including, most recently, in Luxembourg in September 2021. In total, Husky has six monitoring centers, including operations in its headquarter facilities in Canada and China, as well as active centers operating in Mexico, Brazil and Japan.

Husky Advantage+Elite monitoring centers

Husky has opened a number of Advantage+Elite monitoring centers globally, including, most recently, in Luxembourg in September 2021.
Photo Credit: Husky Injection Molding Systems

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